Thursday 29 November 2012

Spray-On Coppertone Sport Sunscreen - Convenience But at What Cost?

In the past producers learned that customers wanted a handy method to apply sun screens, particularly to difficult to achieve places, and with no mess. Therefore the spray can, recognized to designers like a "bag-on-valve" system, has been around since 2005.
Now nearly ubiquitous these items offer convenience but at what cost?
Located on a Mexican beach lately I viewed a lady up-wind of me utilizing a spray can to use sun block. Within the warmth I saw the clouds of spray blooming from her skin like a lot of cartoon captions, and shortly smelled the aroma some 12 meters downwind. It got me thinking: at what cost convenience?
First, let us investigate cost of convenience. Using sport sunscreen prices [6/6/10] the system price of Coppertone Sport Product 30, for instance, is $.99/oz as the comparable spray version is $1.31/oz, 32% more costly in the shelf. The Associate store brand form of the product costs $.63/oz as the spray version is $.83/oz, also 32% more. Using Associate 30 Sport Product rather than Coppertone Sport Spray Sunscreen would save $.68/oz, basically a couple-for-1 deal.
However, what's critical may be the actual delivery of sun screens towards the skin whether dispersed or applied like a product. Scientific testing discloses that just about 50% from the aerosol adheres towards the skin. Recalculation from the true unit price of the Coppertone Sport Spray yields $2.62/applied oz as the Associate version would go to $1.66/applied oz. This will make the price of sun screens shipped towards the skin 165% more costly being an aerosol than like a product. Amazingly you would need to buy $21 price of Coppertone Sport Spray to use how much of an 8oz tube of Associate Sport Product provides straight to your skin, an up-control of $16 for convenience. Possibly making matters worse may be the skin transmission of aerosol-deposited sun screens is low. Semi-occluded creams may better provide the actives in to the skin. The good thing is that SPF testing should level the playing area by evaluating actual effectiveness when the exams are validated.
Past the relative cost of spray delivery are further cost/value issues. Spray delivery uses highly volatile vehicle, for example alcohol, that could sting or dry your skin and it is flammable. Lastly, the policy section of an obvious spray is tough to evaluate while a product enables visualization of application and coverage. Alternatively contrary there's added value in using creams which include skin lotions, anti-oxidants, humectants, emollients, vitamins, along with other skin coppertone sport sunscreen. Other benefits can’t be undervalued.

Benefits of a sprig delivery include: convenience, reaching some areas not obtainable manually, no messiness, and quick drying out. Disadvantages include: high relative cost, questionable spotty coverage, prohibited use evidently, insufficient healthy skin elements, and contact with aerosols. The greatest cost driver will probably be the packaging, not the alcohol and ingredients.

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