Wednesday 5 December 2012

Strong light torch design pattern

Head lamps
Head lamp is worn on the head of a lamp design, worn on the helmet on the head lamp, high brightness is used by miners for decades.
Bright light led flashlight is designed to be configured on the guns that are used for targeting.
Most flashlights are designed into a cylinder, early flashlights are designed into a variety of styles, it looks like a lantern in his early years, some like a candle, is expected to appear in more interesting patterns in the future.
High quality bright light cree xm-l t6 flashlight using special batteries, they can adjust the brightness, water features, and you can adjust the focus, but also more expensive.
Multifunctional flashlight
Under bright light flashlight environment and scope of use, it has the function of lighting, intimidate, alarm and high voltage self defense.
On this versatile light flashlight with high-pressure self-defence capabilities are synchronized with the alarm sound. If gangsters wish to use multifunctional flashlight high pressure feature in the modus operandi, it will make a loud alarm sound, outlaw is no doubt draw fire against oneself, so that limits the gangster attempts to purchase the multifunctional flashlight modus operandi.
Multifunctional strong light flashlight, regardless of day or night, go in rugged of mountain or other local, case Shang fierce beast or gangster, can prior issued alarm will its scare runs, if beast or gangster despite alarm sound on good for attacks or robbery Shi, will available high pressure attacks beast or gangster, achieved personal self-defence, while, loud of alarm sound also will called to around rescue personnel.
In order to prevent buy-back multifunctional flashlight, alarm parts removed, leaving only the high voltage part of the modus operandi, are designed to be parts of the dismantled alarm high voltage failure.
Other power sources
Power lights because the battery is not cost of small, therefore development can provide their own power flashlight, some using solar cells. Others using a manual generator, such as dynamic creexm-l t6 led flashlight.
Rechargeable flashlight
Current classification from markets popular flashlight, is divided into two main types: flashlights and rechargeable battery not charging battery flashlight. Re-chargeable flashlight, battery category is divided into: lead-acid battery, lithium battery, NI-H battery, because lead-acid batteries are currently cheap, share of the market.

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