Friday 9 March 2012

MLM Leader vs MLM Expert Watches

There is a enormous difference between an MLM leader and an MLM Expert. Do you get the impression that everyone in network marketing leads you to believe they are a Top MLM leader? When I was in the “looking” phase for an opportunity, not only was everyone trying to “pimp” their product on me, but they were also trying to assure me that they were THE Top leader in their MLM and if I didn’t join them I was a fool. If I had a nickel for every exchange like that, I would be a billionaire by now.Here’s what I discovered after listening to far too many Mont Blanc Watches “MLM Watches Experts” for far too long: MLM Experts are a dime a dozen. There are hundreds of thousands of them out there and everyone seems to be the expert in Multi Level Marketing. Think about it, when was the last time somebody admitted they didn’t have a fat clue as to what they were writing/talking about. I can’t think of a single exchange/article where someone started out with a disclaimer stating, “I recently joined an MLM the other day and someone told me to act like I know what I’m talking about, so here goes nothing” or “I’ve been in the MLM industry for awhile now, but I’m loosing more money than I’m making”. This is what I’ve realized the “so called” experts do whether they comprehend it or not. Don’t you wish more people would Zenith stop pretending they are experts? We live in a society where people are too frightened to admit that they might not have the right answer.While the word Expert might sound sexy, what I propose is finding someone who is a legitimate Leader.Here’s the distinction between an MLM Leader and an MLM Expert:Leaders never stop growing, Experts think they have arrived.Leaders are learners, Experts think they know it all.Leaders benefit others, Experts aid themselves.Leaders are humble, Experts are chock-full of pride.Leaders attract, Experts repel.Leaders take charge, Experts remind people they are in charge.John Maxwell says this about leaders, “A Christian Dior Watches leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”. Watches Here are several questions to ask yourself in your quest to becoming an MLM leader:Would people want to merge with me?Who can I increase value to today?Who do I admire and why?What can I learn and apply to my life today?Am I a person of Influence?Am I willing to help people regardless if they join my business?Why do you do what you do?Stop trying to become an Expert. Start becoming a Leader. Add value to others and stop pretending to be somebody you are not. If you want to Concord Watches stand out in network marketing, stop conforming to what everyone else is doing. Even better, do just the reverse.Make this the year you grow to be the leader that others are willing to follow. I’m not interested in your business opportunity, but I am interested in sharing ideas with you if you consider yourself a leader in MLM.

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