Wednesday 14 March 2012

Top Online Marketing Strategies To Use For Your Home Business

Someone recently shared an interesting story about a very successful doctor who was able to acquire 32 new clients per month. This is an astonishing accomplishment for any business owner, and upon asking him what the one strategy he used to accumulate that many clients, he said that he didn’t have one strategy that got 32 clients. He implemented 32 DIFFERENT strategies that each got one new client!In today's article I'll be discussing a few of the techniques he uses. One of the biggest complaints I hear from home business owners is the lack of When probed, I discover that they implement only two main strategies: 1) contacting their warm market; 2) Cold calling (unqualified) strangers. If you want more people to join your business you need to be where your prospects are. Without a substantial amount of activity you will not see substantial results.Your mindset has to be focused on how many different ways you can attack in order to penetrate the fortress of prosperity. On the internet, there are limitless ways to get in position to be seen and heard, and quite a few strategies are free; all you have to do is invest the time.Here is a small list of marketing techniques you can start to use right away. Set an objective of two to three new clients at minimum from every strategy and you'll be well on your way to a healthy business.-Video marketing (YouTube, Viddler, Yahoo Video, etc.) – join all the major video hosting sites and submit content regularly-Ezine Article Marketing – some article submission sites will anoint you with an expert author status simply for submitting consistently. This raises your credibility-Blog Radio – set up Iphone 4s Car Kits you own syndicated radio show and broadcast across the internet in places like ITunesLive Streaming Video - is the largest live streaming video network and many network marketing Nail Pen leaders use it to market themselves and their products.-Free Classifieds – Don’t slip on this one. is one of the best free classified sites to submit content to generate new businessniches’ in the marketplace.You don’t have to limit yourself to online strategies in order to make massive impact for free. Listed below is just a few techniques you can use in everyday – this website will connect you to local networking events in your area for any targeted audience. You can become a “regular” at these events and build your credibility.- Private ckubs- usually a group like this can be a fantastic way for you to be the resident guru in the club. How it works in groups like this is they only allow one person to represent a unique skillset to join the group. This gives you complete access to the rest of the club members. Many of these organizations have a referral quota, so you’re guaranteed to acquire new business.-Drop cards - AKA sizzle cards, are great because you can walk in somewhere and just leave them behind for anyone to pick up. Drop cards that resemble money have the highest success rate. When implemented consistently and in the right places, you’ll get calls and emails on a regular basis.As long as you don’t limit your creativity, the possibilities are too numerous to count. You must first start with a strong passion to acquire business, then follow up with powerful systems to pull in the leads. Think like a bear hunter: set traps all over the place and where ever your target audience frequents. You’ll get a healthy supply of new business when you focus on conquering your territory.

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